Friday, February 12, 2016

It's Easier Than You Think to Lose Weight on a Healthy Plant Based Lifestyle.....

Starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has been easier than I thought it would be, despite being an extremely large chunky monkey.  I am now nine weeks into the Vegan/Gluten-free lifestyle and, as of this morning (Feb 12, 2016), I have lost 44 pounds. 
My cravings and desires to gorge, for the most part, have subsided. However, it still feels kind of surreal to think that it has been over two months since I have ingested my drugs of choice - creamy stringy fat filled cheese and sugar laden snacks!    
This past week for the first time in a long time I battled genuine hunger and it scared me. I immediately being to think...What if I am not able to get it subside?  How will I alleviate it and still keep my healthy portions in check?  To combat the hunger, I decided to not deny myself extra healthy food options that day. I steamed a package of edamame and enjoyed them with a spicy V8, the extra fiber and protein did the trick and I was left satisfied. Whew...relief set in as I realized that real plant based food was able to offer satiety! 

To help me stay focused on my journey to health I daily take time to educate myself on the effects that my massive weight is having on my body.  Everyday I watch episodes of "Supersized versus Superskinny" and "My 600lb Life" - these reality shows show the stark reality of how crippling obesity is and are the perfect motivation to help me continue my new lifestyle.   

If you are struggling with your weight and wanting to make a change, I encourage you to daily take time to see the mammoth struggles super obese individuals face, there are 1000s of shows and clips on youtube to watch.  These shows and clips help keep me away from the mentality that I am already fat...."what is one more pint of ice cream!"  Because we all know that "one bite of your favorite binge food is too much as a 1000 bites are never enough."   

Wishing you prosperity in your journey!



  1. I am very proud of you Sharon. It must have taken a lot to write this but I think it will set you free. Love you Jason.

    1. Thanks Jason for your encouragement and taking the time to stop by and read my blog! love and hugs, Sharon

  2. I recently made some extreme changes in diet that had been plaguing me for years. Keeping healthy alternatives handy was imperative to success. I had to eat my way away from the cravings at first. 26 lbs down was a great reward. But the taste of real food unsullied by refined sugar has been amazing.

    1. Congrats on your outstanding success! I so agree with your style of combating the cravings and keeping healthy alternatives on hand! Cheers, Sharon

  3. I recently made some extreme changes in diet that had been plaguing me for years. Keeping healthy alternatives handy was imperative to success. I had to eat my way away from the cravings at first. 26 lbs down was a great reward. But the taste of real food unsullied by refined sugar has been amazing.

  4. I'm SO proud of you for doing this blog. You're turning your struggle into an inspiration for others and that is SO selfless...which is SO you! Love you!

    1. Hi Laura, Just realized I missed replying to your message. Thanks for the encouragement! Love you lots! Oxoxo
